All About Bushra Khan!

Agouri has teamed up with chef Bushra Khan to bring our Agouri Family an even BETTER experience!

Bushra is a chef here in New York who has taken the healthy lifestyle sector by storm in recent years!

Her love of cooking started when she was a child, constantly in the kitchen with her mom. That early love of fresh healthy foods has turned into her own lifestyle brand! She cooks and creates recipes for people who want to eat healthy but, just don't have the time. She has also expanded her business with her own workout/leisure clothing line!

Agouri and Bushra are now collaborating in order to make your Agouri experience not only special and unique but also FUNCTIONAL and EASIER! We understand how difficult it is to be and do everything that you need to, which is why we know that the recipes that Bushra has brought to our Agouri family so far, and will continue to bring will be invaluable! In about 2 minutes, you can watch her video, (posted twice a week on both our Instagram and Facebook pages) and order your ingredients which will be delivered the next morning free with no minimums! 

Can it get ANY easier?! Let us know what you think! 

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