All About Our Agouri Rewards! How to earn and redeem

 You've been earning Agouri rewards, whether you know it or not!

    While we understand the importance of fresh quality ingredients on your everyday menu; we also understand the value of every dollar spent, that's where our points system comes in!

 With four ways to earn you'll get 10% off for every 200 points earned

  1. Shop: Whether you know it or not you're earning a point for every whole dollar spent  
  2. Refer your Friends: Earn a $20 gift card for both you and your friend 
  3. Share us on Facebook: Earn 15 points 
  4. Follow us on Instagram: Earn 15 points 

  Accessing your points:

  1. On our site: Simply hover over the green rewards button in the bottom right hand corner. 
  2. On our App: Access our main menu (the three lines in the upper right hand corner) and scroll down and tap our 'my rewards' section.
 Simply click on 'Ways to Earn' or share your refer a friend code for easy earning! Redeem points in the same section; a simple one stop spot for savings. 

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