Customer Appreciation Raffle! Chance to win a $50 gift card

Simply check that you're qualified and fill out a form for a chance to win a $50 gift card!

Forms will be accepted from 3:30 pm 07/18/2020 (Saturday)- 6:30 pm 07/24/2020 (Thursday). Drawing will be on Saturday 07/25/2020.

***You can still qualify no matter when you last placed or what the total was. But you MUST have placed at least one order with us, fill out and form and you can also only enter ONCE per account!!!! ***

Copy and Paste the link below for the entry form and good luck!


  • wow placed an order, got it the next morning by 8:30 am…I’m so happy with everything I ordered, will be placing another soon! THANK YOU :)

    susan creegan
  • Thanks for all the wonderful items!

    Donna Belanich
  • Love your fresh produce

  • Agouri has the BEST produce

  • I’ll be back!


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